Friday, October 13, 2006


This is most unfortunate! I offer sincere apologies to Mildred, poor thing.

It has long been a dream for Mildred to become a member in good standing of the Red Hat Ladies. To this end she has written several letters and made numerous phone calls. At long last the snubby pisspots consented. Mildred's error in my opinion, was including myself, Iris, Ethel, and heaven help us, Snivel.

When the box of hats themselves arrived Mildred was beside herself. She wore the obnoxious thing everywhere she went. Iris and I found our bonnets to be quite itchy and cumbersome.

I digress.

The first meeting was to be held at a chinese buffet. The moment Iris heard this she immediately set her own plan in place. I confess, I did play a part in it but, it was a joke!
In short, I drugged Ethel's cat. Iris loaded the nasty thing into her handbag and off we went. The deed itself required Iris and I to visit the bar for a healthy dose of liquid courage. Once we'd had our fill of bravery juice we slipped the cat onto the buffet table.

It would seem neither the Red Hat Ladies nor the owners of the Chinese Buffet possess a sense of humor. I can't help but wonder if things might have gone better had Ethel not fainted and fallen face first into the mu shu pork.

We have been banned from both the Red Hat Ladies and the Chinese Buffet. Worst of all, the snobbish prats in the Red Hat club snatched Mildred's beloved hat from her noggin, tossed it on the floor and STOMPED ON IT! It's crushed beyond recognition. Iris tried to ment it but to no avail.

Mildred is in a state of grave depression.

Ethel's cat appears to have had a bad reaction to the valium. When she woke up she began walking sideways, crab-like. And two days later continues to do so.

Something about a side-stepping feline appeals to Snivel, who now wishes to purchase Ethel's cat offering various potions and trinkets. For the past 2 days the gypsy has followed Ethel about asking, "How much for the cat?"

Ethel as you might imagine is on the warpath.


Iris VonKornea said...

My Peter actually coordinated my outfit so nicely - since I have a hard time SEEing these days he put it together with such flare and aplumb, sewing together a handbag to match my stupid red had and purple pants AND make it big enough to comfortably house ethel's cat. Even if he's a selfish gay bastard sometimes, there are times that make me realize I still love my little fairy boy. Peter would make an excellent daughter!

Those Red Hat bitches can rot in hell. They are humorless, uptight prissy pollyannas. And it's my job to make Mildred cry, not them.


MilkMaid said...

WHat happened to my ears?

Did they end up in the fried rice??

My poor kitty, Boots.

Anonymous said...


shirley said...

Sarah, you ain't never herd of a douchbag before? It's a fuckin bag with a garden hose you clean your pussy with.

Why I gotta be the edjicater around this rat shit hole, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Now, now now, there will be no more douchebag talk. Grab your knitting, girls - let's go to the community room for afternoon tea!

Iris VonKornea said...

Oh sweet Jesus, I just got a note from Peter here on the magic box. Says he's done tucking it in and he's becoming a woman! Oh dear lord, well I always did want a daughter!

MilkMaid said...


My rosary just burst into flames.

Shirley, you are responsible for this.

And you better double those hormones, you are growing a beard.

MilkMaid said...

Iris, do you think Peter will need a douchebag now?

Iris VonKornea said...

I have no idea how any of this works, dear. Do they just lop off his stuff? Or do they make a hole too? Back in the day, men didn't lop off their man parts.

I'm very distraught and confused!

He wants to be called Petra now. Dear lord.

MilkMaid said...

If they lop it off, I bet you could sell it to that negress gypsy in Granny's room.

Iris VonKornea said...

I shudder to think what snivel would do with a human penis, lopped off or not!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to sell it on eBay

shirley said...

Knit my puckered asshole, Anita. I ain't knittin shit.

Ethel go fuck yerself. Ain't nobody else gonna do it nohow.

Peter, if you wanted to give that penis one more go round afore y'all snip it off I wouldn't say no. how big would you say tis? It does still stand up, don't it?

shirley said...

Listen up snivley. I don't give two shits and whistle how much magic spells you think you got workin here.
Keep yer raggedy ass out my shit. I called dibs on the homo dick first. Mess with me agin and I'll come clean yer clock for ya. Read me?

granny got game said...

How can everyone just go on like nothing has happened? Doesn't anyone care that my heart is broken into bits?

shirley said...

not partikulerly.

Iris VonKornea said...

Mildred, I am sorry about the loss of your Red Hat, but excuse me... my son is about to lose his... PINK hat if you get my drift. I am freaking out, dear! RODNEY! Have you seen my fucking dog????


GAB said...


granny got game said...

Gab, welcome to Willowbrooke! It's so nice to see you, dear. Do visit all the time. It gets so dull here with all the old folks.

shirley said...

Gladys, 3 napkins? This ain't the ritz, you prissy bitch. And take off those wannabe Barbara Bush pearls. everybody here nos their fake.

Iris VonKornea said...

Well, Dottie dear, do you mind if I call you Dottie? No one was supposed to eat Ethel's pussy.

It was a joke gone awry!

shirley said...

Who ate Ethel's pussy? how the hell did that one toothed bitch get a lick and slide when I can't.

Manny said...

oh, this can't be good.

Iris VonKornea said...

jq dear, of course we are still here. We are inmates. What else are we going to be doing?

And I see you are still at it dear. I see you are still at it with no clothing on.

Iris VonKornea said...

Granny Mae has come down with Legionnaire's Disease! I blame Snivel.